Friday, January 23, 2009

How time Flies!

So 2 months have gone by already! I am about 15 weeks pregnant right now. No morning sickness, no ickiness, so I must be one of the lucky pregnant ladies!Also, the secret is out! We told our parents at Christmas. My brother-in-law Eric says he knew at Thanksgiving. Apparently he has a built in baby detector. Cool. Maybe I'll skip the test next time and go straight to him.

I have my first appointment on Tuesday. I am pretty excited. I am going to see a midwife! I always thought I'd have a doctor, but it just didn't work out that way. I will get my first ultra sound in about 1-2 months. I am already starting to wear pregnancy clothes. I've only gained about 5 pounds, but things are really changing.
Tonight Patrick is spending the night outside with the boy scouts. They are working on their "Zero Hero" award, which means they have to sleep outside when it is 0 or below. Tonight it is supposed to be -17 degrees with the wind chill. I'm a little worried Patrick won't come back with all the parts he left with.