Tuesday, February 24, 2009

20 weeks today!

To day I officially 20 weeks along! I went to the midwife and she told me I am roughly due about July 7th. I have another appointment tomorrow. My first appointment was painful. I got jabbed in the same place with a needle 5 times! I have really small veins that resist detection, so the midwife found one, and had to go for it over and over again! She really felt bad, but I told her to just get it over with and keep trying till we had all the blood we needed. I am hoping they won't need blood this time since you not allowed to give more then a pint in 56 days (haha jk!).

On Monday, I actually get to see a sonogram of the baby and we are going to find out what sex it is. I wanted it to be a surprise, but maybe for number 2 we can keep it a secret! I have only gained about 8 pounds so far, so I hope I am not going to balloon out in the last month and get a zillion stretch marks.