Friday, November 13, 2009

You might be a new mom if...

Today I was kissing Levi on the mouth and he licked my lips. That was cute but gross. It reminded me of......

You might be a new mom if.......

1. You are willing to do ANYTHING if it might reduce your child's chance of SIDS. pacifer? check. Sleep with mom and dad six months? check! Baby massage? Check! Avoid any potential freak accident hazards that you learned about reading baby horror stories? Check! Adopt penguins? Show me the article and check.

2. When your baby has a fever, the word of one qualified health provider is not enough. You must call three who ALL must agree before you trust that your baby is not dying from some exotic illness.

3. Anyone who thinks your child might be a member of the opposite sex is an idiot. Period. I don't care if he did have a pink bib on that day.

4. You scope out potential people for your kid to marry. AND you scope out his competition.

5. You get worked up over things people might say to your kid years in the future.

New Windows!

All of yesterday and today we had two guys at our house installing new windows. The old windows literally were ALL different from each other . Some opened with little cranks, some pulled out and over, some slid sideways, but they were all crazy and old!

I especially hated the windows in the computer room. There were three windows that opened with cranks, and were about 2 feet by 2 feet. They were so bad that we paid to have the window guys cut out some siding and put in larger windows. Now that room looks so much bigger! I love the new view and it is so much brighter!

My dad hated my bathroom window becasue it was see through, and he felt like people could stare at you. So we changed it to an opaque window. I think that means a window you can see light through, but it's not clear. Much better! Maybe dad will visit more now!

We had to move a lot of stuff around so the guys could get to the windows. When we put the computer desk back together I will put before and after pictures up!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our award winning Halloween pumpkin!

We won funniest pumpkin with this bad boy!
Just kidding! Here's the real pumpkin!

More Levi pictures.

My favorite!

Here are some pictures I took of Levi on Halloween, trying to get some good close ups. I was at my friends house and I saw her pictures of her baby, and thought, " Hey - why can't I take pictures as good as those?" So I grabbed my camera to try, and here's what I got.

Levi's First Fever

My husband is soo amazing. He took a half day off from work to take Levi to get his 4 month old shots. I left the room but came back after it was over. I could hear Levi scream through two closed doors. Levi weighed 14 lbs., 14 oz. , and was 26 1/2 inches long. He has grown so much!

The day after he took his shots, he woke up feeling realllllly warm. I had Patrick get me the thermometer and this little boy was 101.2 degrees! I called my mom, called my friend (a delivery nurse) to see what they thought I should do and they both seemed to think the fever was from Levi's shots the day before. So I dosed him with Tylenol and we hung out in bed all day. He was much better by the afternoon!

Trying to be a good photographer...

I read a book on taking good baby pictures. So I have been taking pictures lately of Levi just to practice. Here are some pictures we took today.I've learned that I need to work with flash better