Monday, August 31, 2009

The Many faces of Levi!!

The Zoo!!

We decided to take a trip to Como zoo as a family this Friday, and went to see the butterfly house. The butterflies had no fear of humans. Even when we threatened to eat them. Silly Butterflies!!

Patrick and I went around the zoo trying to figure out what animals we were most like. For Patrick it was between El Tigre and the monkeys. You decide which suits him best......

For me it was decided..... Cougar. :(

Horse Races

I am amazed at how many fun, free things there are to do if you just look!! I found two free tickets to the horse racing track, so Patrick and I loaded up Levi and off we went!!
Here is Patrick watching the horses who are about to race go by. They all had cool names like Cinder Ellie, and Ballroom waltz.

As we watched the race, we tried to pick which horse would win. Patrick guessed it a couple of times, but I never did!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

He actually plays with his toy thingee!

Today I laid Levi down on his mat thinking he might be ready to play and he did! He kicked at things and cooed and had fun all by himself for a good 3-4 minutes! It was amazing, so I got my camera out and took a quick video!

All these cute outfits!

Levi is getting so big he doesn't fit into his newborn outfits anymore. I remember when he first came home from the hospital, he was swimming in his newborn onsies, but now they are too small. He will be three months soon, so I only have a little while to put his 0-3 months on as well!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Renassiance Fair

Today Patrick and I had a coupon for Renassiance Fair that was Buy 1 ticket, get 1 free, so we went. It was super fun! I didn't know what to expect, but it was very cool! It even had a castle!!

They had people in costumes, but everyone, especially visitors were encouraged to dress up!!

We took a stroll around to see all that we could and we saw....
A joust!
Tomatoes being wasted!!Swords and flaming torches being juggled!

After all the excitement,we ended our day by getting caricatures of ourselves drawn!

And so ended our wonderful day!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Awesome New Do

Here is a picture of me before I used my birthday money to get my hair done.....with 9 months of pregnancy hair...

And here I am with my gorgeous new hair do!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Biggest Blessings

See the awesome things I get to see everyday? What did I do to deserve two great guys?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I went to three different stores today and got some awesome deals!!!!Total, I spent $66.97 and I got all this stuff!!!I saved $78.58!!!
I got: 8 boxes of cereal
2 gallons of milk
cottage cheese
Frozen Wanchai Ferry Chinese food
Iams cat food
2 boxes Keebler Grasshopper cookies
2 bags of Doritos
2 boxes of Pop Secret
2 5 Star notebooks
2 loaves of wheat bread
6 packets of McCormick Taco seasoning.
1Minute Maid Fruit Punch
Peanut Butter
Hand Soap
Girl Products
3 things of name brand toothpaste
Pampers diapers
24 pack of Ramen
2 things of Wacky Mac noodles
A candy bar

I am an awesome shopper, but I feel I outdid myself today!!


Levi had another smiley gas session today. So I grabbed the camera and prepared to try to get a smiley picture.....

Here was the first picture.....

So I assumed it was going to be another photo shoot of ALMOST Levi sniling until.....


After I caught him on camera once, it's like he realized the fun in making mom hang around with the camera for 15 minutes was over, and he let me get him 2 more times!!!

Isn't he awesome??????

Monday, August 17, 2009

Our Family

I amazed at how life continues to become more awesome!!!! I can't believe I thought on my wedding day that things couldn't possibly get any better.

Levi's First Rock Concert

My parents came to visit this weekend. We took them to see Minnehaha Falls, which was more like Minnehaha sprinkles because of the drought. While we were there, we stopped at a mini Woodstock some local high school bands were putting on to raise money. Here was Levi's reaction to his first concert:

He never even startled!!! Here's what Patrick and I thought about it:

My stinker - literally....

I am constantly amazed at the man sized farts my little guy puts out.
Not only are they man sized, they smell man sized as well.
He gives the most beautific grins right before he lets one out.

So the other morning he had a smiley gas session and I sat there for 15 minutes with my camera trying to catch his elusive smile. Here are the nine pictures I took, and still no smile.

Sigh. At least I am positive there will be more gas tomorrow.....