Sunday, March 22, 2009

24 Weeks Along!

So tomorrow I will be officially 6 months along. I am surprised at how fast and easily this whole process is going. Today at church I sat by a 2 month old boy and had to steal him away from his family. I was feeding him a bottle and he kept making these gasping sounds. I was kind of worried that I was some how suffocating him even when someone told me he makes that noise while eating all the time. It was fascinating holding and feeding this tiny baby. I realized exactly how much I had to learn about being a mom! Of course Patrick stole him away from me and held hm for a good twenty minutes. It's a good thing my husband loves babies!

Patrick's job is going really well, which is great because we are making some expensive purchases in the next two weeks. We are buying a used car, and we are also buying a gas fireplace insert. We are pretty much using our entire tax refund plus some money we had saved up to buy all of these things. We did manage to put some of it away however into savings. I hope we can end of saving a lot more before the baby arrives!

Spring break is almost here! Parent teacher conferences are almost here, so after they are over I am going to love having some down time just relaxing! My mom and dad are also coming for a visit! I am really excited becasue it will be the first time my dad has seen my house.