Thursday, February 17, 2011

Has it been that long?

In case you are wondering why I have been posting less and less, the answer is Levi stays still less and less! The other day I was on the computer for twenty minutes and thought to myself - WOW! He is being so good. That was before I noticed the beautiful green crayon scribbles on my wall. SILENCE = TROUBLE!

Levi will be turning 20 months this month! He does a lot of cool things now. He waves bye bye and says hi, follows simple commands, can crawl on the couch or chair by himself usually, opens doors, LOVES to be read to,

can get into kitchen drawers by himself, can go up and down stairs on his belly without supervision, LOVES to throw anything and EVERYTHING away, and has finally outgrown the need to play in the toilet. He has started to run, which is really cute. The very newest thing I have seen him do is walk on his tiptoes! He finally plays with toys, and cars are his favorite! He has recentley been able to stack blocks instead of playing babyzilla and knocking them all down.

Words he can say now: "Bye bye dada, ball, oranges, cheese, mama, down, out, off, outside, shoes, coat, socks, blue, one, two, "ah ah ah" ( like the count from seasame street), sponge Bob (thanks dad!), Elmo, yucky, more, down, milk, juice, yougurt.

Levi also has become quite the toddler terror! When ever mommy does not rush to his every wish, he stomps his feet and screeches. This makes mom laugh and he throws himself to the floor in angsty drama. It tough to be almost two. On the other hand, he is a great friend and is very gentle to other kids. He loves going to stores and pointing out babies to me. One time we were in the grocery store and he pointed at a three year old girl and said baby. I think it was her nap time because she heard him call her a baby and had a screaming melt down about how she was NOT a baby. I felt so bad for the mom!

It has been really cold here so we have been stuck playing inside quite often. Fortunately, the malls here have fun play areas for small children, so we have had things to do! I did take Levi out in his snow suit and set him down on the 3 foot of snow in the front yard, but he screamed bloody murder. Maybe next year we will try snow fun, but he does not like snow yet.

As for Patrick and I, we are actually doing really well. We are going on more dates, we are exercising more, and we are trying to live on a really skimpy budget. All in all, a very good life.