Saturday, June 12, 2010

Funny picture of Rachel

Rachel let me put fairy makeup on her. Hehehehehehee

Levi's Big Day!

We had a very big day today! Nana and Grandpa Trainor are here today. We went to the the science museum and we went to a buffet for the first time. Levi had mashed potatoes for the first time and made an absolute mess! He pulled up to standing postion all by himself today, and started creeping using his legs! He also chewed on mommy's ear and daddy's face for the first time. It was a very good day today!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Levi's first watermelon

I put some watermelon in a baby food strainer and gave it to Levi. He loved the juice, so I cut the watermelon into tiny pieces for him to feed himself, and he hated it! The look on his face when I stuck the first piece in his mouth was classic! He took the pieces of watermelon and threw them over the side of his tray!

My funny little man!

Hahaha! You have to watch this turkey! He gets around now!
I love how Levi sprawls out to sleep!

Levi was 11 months old....... a month ago!

Me and my awesome baby!

My baby is eleven months old! Where does the time go? He is such a little man already! I am beginning to plan his first birthday ever and I am excited! Here are some funny things about Levi. He hates his legs touching grass. Whenever I sit him in grass, he raises his legs up so he can avoid touching as much as possible. HE laughs when he is hyper. He loves to sleep. Except at 5:30 A.M. He cooes at the cat, and tries to wriggle so he can touch the cat. The cat always sits right out of reach and just stares at Levi as if to say," Now what sucker?" Levi is probably around 20 pounds. He is starting to grab on to things and trying to stand up. He is also finally looking like he might be getting frustrated waiting for mom to come and get him, so he has been trying to get into crawling position a lot more now. Still no crawling! Bummer!