Monday, July 27, 2009

Levi's First Temple Trip

This Saturday we had a primary activity and ward temple trip. Patrick and I were busy putting on a play for the primary kids, and then we took Levi to see his first view of the temple. I hope I am a good mom and can teach my kids to be righteous. I hope I can teach my children to love the temple and keep the commandments. This world is so wicked I am scared that my chidren will have a hard time making really good choices.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

It's Hard Being a Baby

Today was a typical day. The baby and I got ready, ran some errands, cleaned the house, and made dinner for daddy and went on a walk. I was watching him today and thinking about how helpless he is. It must be hard to trust someone to take care of everything you need. Here is a picture of Levi thinking of how hard it is to be a baby.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My 22nd birthday!!!

Us eating at Biaggi's! Yummy!

So yesterday was my...22nd birthday. I wasn't too excited about it, and didn't really expect it to be spectacular. I was surprised and pleased by the amount of people who wished me happy birthday, and thought that would be the nicest surprise of the day. That's because I underestimated my fabulous husband!! He surprised me by coming home early, let me have a nap, took me out to eat, and had some friends over to help me celebrate. He bought me some beautiful jewlry, and gave me money to get my hair done (finally!), and bought me my deep freezer! It really was a great birthday!

My great new jewelry!!

My great nap!

My grumpy old man!

The exhausted parent picture (taken around 11:00 p.m.)
Here is a picture of my sweet eight pound baby!

My nick name for my son is grumpy old man. You might wonder why I call my sweet bundle of joy this name, so I decided to blog about it. My little guy has these wrinkles on his forehead that you can only really see when he is pitching a fit or grunting. So whenever I feed him or change him, I see those wrinkles and have to laugh!

I also call him Mr.Priss. He is so funny when he is done eating. He pulls his head back and puts his lip together in the prissiest way I have ever seen!

Here is Mr.Priss!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Daddy is the best!

I have a feeling Levi might be a Daddy's boy. After all, Daddy always does the coolest stuff with him. Here is what my wonderful husband did with our little guy today! Could any other newborn be so lucky as to experience a hammock already?

Going to The Park!

Today we didn't go to church because we took Levi in to Ready Care. This is the second time he has been in three weeks. We are worry wart parents.

He had some weird gunk in his eye yesterday, and we were worried. So we called a nurse hotline, and they told us to bring him in. So after we figured out it was a blocked tear duct, we relaxed and went for a walk.

Here are pictures of us going to the park!


Our small community does not do 4th of July fireworks. Instead, they wait and combine funds with another small neighboring community and have a celebration called Duk Duk Daze, and they have fireworks on the last day.

Last night was Duk Duk Daze's fireworks display. We decided to take Levi and see what happened. So we bundled him up, got a great spot (one that we could make a quick get away from if needed), and waited. I fed Levi under a sheet while we were waiting, and poor Patrick got some pretty weird looks for talking to a girl under a sheet. When the fireworks started, Levi was quiet as a mouse! No screams, no fussing, just looking. I was more fussy than him, and I kep trying to put my hand against his ears to keep the loud noises from hurting his ears. My baby is so brave!

Here is Patrick getting Levi out so I can feed him under my sheet.

Here is Levi checking out the fireworks in Daddy's arms.

Here is Mommy trying to keep the sounds from hurting Levi's ears

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bath time for Levi!

My little guy loves baths. It is one of my favorite times with him. He squirms and fusses and screams until he gets in the water, and then he looks around like "Wow! I remember this feeling!" and just quiets down immediately. He looks so sweet all wet and smells so good when he gets out! Patrick got to see bathtime for first time today so I finally got some pictures!

Friday, July 17, 2009

My sweet little guy...

So I am loving being a stay at home mom. I know Patrick thinks I am going to get bored, but I don't seem to have the time to get bored. I have to feed and clean my little guy, as well as take care of things around the house, as well as feed my husband. So far I have been very content to stay at home. I am so lucky we are financially able to keep me at home. I took a quiz online about how much money I would actually make if I still worked, and it said after all the extra expenses, I would only be bringing home around $7,000.

Here are some cute pictures of my little one with his dad. He always tries to fall asleep when he is getting burped!!

Cool Church Activity

Our church had a really fun activity this Wednesday. My husband works with the youth, and they had a "Where's Waldo?" activity. Basically, various members of the ward dressed up in disguises and walked around an outdoor mall. The kids had to walk around also and try to find all the ward members. If they saw someone they thought was a ward member, they had to go and ask that person if they had any Grey Poupon. Patrick dressed up as a teenager. It was so funny! He looked so different!

Here is his moody teenager look!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My husband is awesome!

Here is my funny little guy and the funny way he puts his legs up. He doesn't do this much anymore though.

My husband is so amazing! I am really lucky I married him. I look at Levi and think that if I had made different choices, I might never have had the opportunity to have him. My husband is so helpful with the baby and is always thinking of small ways to help me out.

For example, the newest sweet amazing thing he has done is create a website all about Levi. Go check it out! The website is!

My baby is here!!!

Here is daddy and Levi hanging out together.

I have been really bad about blogging, but that is because I am getting used to having my little guy around! I probably should be sleeping right now, but I decided it was finally time to talk about Levi's arrival.

As you know, I was breech. I was scheduled to have an inversion, which means they were going to try to push the baby around the way it was supposed to be. I went in bright and early Monday morning for my inversion, and they did an ultra sound to make sure Levi really was still breech. He was, and the baby had one pocket of fluid. That's bad. The doctor told me we were going to have to do a C-section if we couldn't turn the baby around. I said, well, I guess we could schedule one for Friday, but the doctor said, No, I was thinking today. So we tried to turn Levi around, but he wasn't going anywhere. So I was scheduled for a C-Section and had one 2 hours later.

I am kind of glad it turned out that way because I had no time to be scared about having a C-Section. Instead I was calling Patrick to tell him to get to the hospital, I was making lists of things and people for him to call and cancel appointments for me, and I was busy getting ready for surgery. He later told me that when he called my mom, her first words when she heard about the baby were "Oh crap!" My mom is so funny.

I had my C-section, (thankfully Patrick gave me a blessing before it started) and everything turned out extremely well. Levi was stuck under my ribs, which caused the doctors to have to pull on him for a few minutes, but he came out nice and healthy. His legs were by his ears the whole time he was inside me, and when he came out his legs went straight up to his ears again. It was so funny.

The hospital stay was easy. The service and people were great! I had great nurses, and lots of visitors. My mom got there about 8:30 the night I had Levi. She brought my sister Katie and her husband Mike along. Mom said she could tell Patrick was in shock. He had 'wild eyes' as she put it.

So now Levi is 3 weeks old and we are on a pretty good schedule. He wakes up about 8:30. We eat and based on how tired mommy is, we either sleep or get up. Mommy usually gets a shower while Levi is sleeping, and gets dressed. She foes stuff until Levi wakes up, then Levi gets fed again, he gets a bath, and gets dressed. Then he usually goes to sleep. Then mommy does stuff around the house, like clean or do laundry. Then she feds Levi again and then eats herself. Then she spends the rest of the day cleaning or doing errands, with feeding Levi and playing with Levi mixed in. then daddy gets home around 5:30, and they all eat dinner, watch Tv or do more chores around the house, and go for a walk, then talk before mommy poops out around 9:30. Patrick takes Levi and has tummy time and plays with him until he gets hungry, then brings him in to me to get fed. Then we have night feedings and sometimes Levi stays up late to be michevious, but mommy and him hang out until he goes to sleep again.

Mommy is tired after staying up all night.