Friday, June 19, 2009


WOW! Yesterday was one of the scariest/exciting/emotional roller coaster days of my life! On Wednesday I had an ultrasound to confirm that my baby is breech ( which he is, his little legs are both up by his ears). They also checked my amniotic fluid and discovered I was a little low. So they called my midwife and she was a little concerned, but told me to drink plenty of water. She scheduled an appointment for me on Monday to try to turn this little sucker around.

So Thursday (yesterday), I get an unexpected call from my midwife, who has just received the report from the radiologist. Apparently the only thought I had a reading of 3.1 for my amniotic fluid. (That's bad, Your fluid is supposed to be 5-25, and 5 is considered very low). So she told me to get my things together and meet her at the hospital. They were going to do another ultrasound to check the fluid level, and moniter the baby for distress. Since my baby is breech, low fluid means they can't try to turn him around, which was the original plan. So if he was in distress, we were going to do a C-Section today.

So after frantically packing a suitcase I did not have ready, I called my husband and left a message because of course he didn't answer, and hit the road to go to the hospital. At the hospital, they hooked me up to a contraction moniter and a baby heartbeat moniter. And then I sat. For forty five minutes. Then I had an ultrasound. I had a fluid level of 7 today, which was not great, but much better than 3! So around 2:00, three hours after I got to the hospital, they discharged me.

Here are the thoughts running through my head on the way to and in the hospital:
1. We aren't ready! We haven't even put his car seat together yet!
2. We don't have a name picked out!
3. I am going to have an ugly scar!
4. I didn't buy a father's day present!
5. I am supposed to teach the lesson at church on Sunday!
6. Is my baby going to be okay?
7. I still have two weeks of child care prep class left!
8. Great! This means my mom and sister will be here by tonight and I can have fun with them!
9. I wonder how much a C-section will cost us?
10. I need a few more days to get things ready!

Patrick had gotten my message around 11:30, ( he was in a meeting until then), and was heading for home until I caught him on the hospital phone. I told him to stay at work until 2, becasue the hospital was super busy and they wouldn't be able to ultrasound me until then. Well, he left work around 1:30, drove home, packed a bag for himself, and was driving to the hospital when I called from home to say I was discharged. So he came home and took a nice nap with me, and we realxed until we headed off to child care class that night.

Last night, I woke up at 3:15 AM with an ouch! feeling in my belly. I had a few contractions on and off until 4:30, when I finally fell asleep again. I sat there thinkin, great! That's all I need, a C-section in the middle of the night! So I ignored them and went back to sleep. They are still there this morning, but not very painful, so I plan on ignoring them.

So yesterday was a crazy day for me, but at least I know that I need to get my rear in gear because I could be having this kid next week!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So I went in for my appointment today and I was supposed to get checked for the position of the baby. Well, they checked the little guy and didn't think his head was where it was supposed to be, so they sent me for an ultrasound. Turns out the little guy has both of his feet up by his head and is trying to come out butt first. Not only is he breech, but the ultrasound lady measured my amniotic fluid, and that is low as well. Which I didn't think was a big deal until I looked it up on the internet at home. Turns out low amniotic fluid means no trying to turn the baby.

So funny news as well - my baby's head is huge! It was measuring in the 91-95-97th percentile everytime the ultrasound lady measured it. I could tell she thought that she was measuring wrong, but I know better. My nephew was born with the biggest head on this earth since the last baby elephant. So I know all about having huge headed babies, and it made me laught to know I am having a big head baby too. I also found our that the baby weighs 7lbs., 3 oz. right now. If I can keep him inside for another two weeks, he will be around 8 and a half pounds when he is born.

So I am waiting for my midwife to call me back to tell me what we are going to do now. According to the ultrasound, I am 38 weeks along. Whoa! I thought I was around 37 at most, and the midwife had me down at 36. So if this baby doesn't turn itself around in the next week, I might be getting my very first surgical scar in the next two weeks. Yippee!

So to the good news - I am thirty eight weeks! Only two - three more weeks of misery to go! Yippee! Also, I am hopeful that I will have the baby in June, while I am still covered by two insurances. No huge hospital bills to wipe out our savings! Starting July 1st, I only have 1 insurance. So having the baby in the next 13 days would be lovely!

On to other, less personal news. Patrick is expecting his big bonus from work next month. He is planning on spending it on a flat screen T.V. He spent a couple of hours on the internet researching it on Saturday night. He will be getting his bonus in the middle of July, but it will be interesting to see if he has time to even think about it if the baby is here already.

Our Minnesota refund arrived yesterday! We are just going to save it (Boring) but it is the responsible thing to do. We have lived in Minnesota for one year now. How exciting! Patrick will also get his raise soon, just in time for extra insurance for the baby to kick in! At least we aren't poorer!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

1 Month To go!

I went to the doctor last week and they think my little guy is in breech position right now. That just means he is sitting Indian style in my belly right now, instead of being upside down like he should be. So I might end up getting a C-Section if my little one doesn't decide to turn his keester over.

I only have 1 month left to go! I cannot wait! I am going to the pool every day until my kid is born. I will be there every day from 1-3. My job is officially over since school is out for the summer. I am really glad because I was really dragging the last two weeks. My mom is coming down in about three weeks so she can be here when the baby is born. I am really excited about seeing her. I am kind of bored of just hanging around the house by myself already.

Tonight is child preparation classes. I am going to take a tour of the hospital I am going to be giving birth at. I am really excited. I am also going to meet my baby's pediatrician today. So much going on! I have been trying to keep busy around the house, but it is hard to stay busy when it takes forever to do things like bend over, carry things, or sleep comfortably!

This weekend we are going shopping for the baby's stroller and for his crib. We have picked out the ones we want at Target and now my husband is going to be researching them to make sure that they are safe, and if they are we will be setting up our Nursery this Saturday!