Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Macy flower show!

Cindy and Levi at the flower show

Levi and I were invited to head down town with a group of young women and their mothers to see the Macy's flower show. Macy has an eight floor of their store downtown and every Christmas they deck it out to be a Christmas story. One year it was Harry Potter, one year it was the Grinch, and etc. Apparently, they also do a flower show every spring, so Levi and I went to check it out since Patrick was at Scout Camp training.

Levis's First Easter!

Elenanor and Levi - and the future mother in laws!
Elenanor and Levi

Levi and his awesome basket of candy!

Levi had a great Easter Sunday! He wore a new church outfit, he got a gigantic basket of candy that his mean momma won't let him eat, and he got to see his grandma and grandpa Stoneking! To top off a great day of listening to General conference for the second time, he got to see his future wife Elenanor and have her over for dinner! What an awesome day!

Levi's trip to the Zoo!

Here is Ben!
Charity and David!
Me and Levi with the lizard! EWHHHHHH!!!

Levi and I went to the Minneapolis Zoo with my friend Charity and her adorable boys. It was a fun day to go, very warm and the animals were out and about!


I took Levi to the playground for the first time two weeks ago while I was watching some bigger boys! He sat in the sand once and picked up a handful, then let it go in disgust! He rally did not like the sand that stuck to his damp palm! The highlight of his playground experience was going on the swings where his best bud Alex pushed him. He giggled the whole time!

Levi is 10 months old and tons of news!

Here are some 9 month old pictures!

Levi turns 10 months old tomorrow! I realize that I forgot to blog about his 9 month stats, so here they are! At Levi's 9 month checkup, he got a flu shot which he fussed at but did not cry about! My brave boy! He was 29 inches tall, and weighed 18 lbs., 11 oz.

Right now, Levi is doing some very grown up things! He is eating cubes of cheese, loves cottage cheese and Cheerios, and letting out some very man sized farts! He is rolling all around to get where he wants to go, and is pushing himself backwards. He is very curious. He really like to look behind him by dropping his head back suddenly ( almost like a back flip!) which scares his momma to death. He plays very well with other babies, and gets really excited around animals. We are still working on not pulling on fur. Levi is saying dada, but no mama yet. He likes all kinds of foods, except prunes! He sits up very well, and is learning how to get stuff he wants that is out of reach without falling over!