Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our First Family Vaca........ever.

Here we are - the first real day of our first real family vacation. Yesterday we drove up to Gooseberry Falls State park and set up camp. This is the morning after, where I am making some killer pancakes over a fire.
Hahaha Here is my Scout Master husband heading to the shower in his amazingly manly headlamp. Grrr.....
Here we are getting ready to see our first cool thing on vacation....
We went to the Split Rock Light house....

We piled up lots of rocks.....

We climbed up a BAZILLION steps...

WE toured the light house and met people in costume ( that seems to be a big deal up here)

I got mad and knocked down a tree....
I piled more rocks.....

We went to Gooseberry Falls and Levi had a total blast!

WE danced all the way back to our tent...
Levi trapped in the tent at bed time....
We headed into Canada!
WE saw some Native Canadians......
We pretended to be canoers....

WE inspected wagon wheels very closely......
And wildlife.....

Bye Bye Fort William!
Hello semi-precious stones!

Cleaning my new sparklies!

Literally, the gorgeous views were everywhere!
Canada had lots of beautiful sights like this!
Wow. I even forgot how pretty Kakabeca Falls were until we saw this again!
Going to Kakabeca Falls, which were pretty amazing!
Eating at a restaurant with my boys!
Levi learning to roast marshmallows.
Levi tried to skip rocks for the first time and failed miserably. He takes after his momma that way!
My studly little dude caught in a sexy man pose.
Levi and Patrick hanging out by the freezing, freezing cold Lake Superior.
Our last waterfall!

Monday, July 11, 2011

How Patrick and I met.....

So a lot of people keep asking how Patrick and I met, so I decided to post about it....

Patrick was all alone and wanted to find that special someone....
One day, a gorgeous supermega foxy hot girl came along and gave him a smooch. The rest is history....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My silly, silly two year old

Levi has QUITE the vocabulary. I don't even know how he learned most of these words! His newest word? Ridiculous. That's right. My two year old likes to say ridiculous. He ESPECIALLY likes to say " Mommy ridiculous." I blame his father.

Washing the Cars!

Patrick wanted to wash our cars after we went on vacation and they got all yucky. It was fun seeing Levi try to help!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our Utah family vacation

Last Christmas, Patrick's mother surprised us with tickets to go to Utah this summer for a family reunion. It was a pretty good time!

Levi got to hang out with his cool Aunt Rachel!

Here are Cheryl and DuWayne while we are hanging around waiting for family pictures.

Here is awesome Brody with his sunscreen tiger stripes on... he is so ferocious!

We went to an amusement park one day. Levi loved the carosel as long as I was right by him, and all the other rides pretty much petrified him.

We went to Salt Lake City to see the amazing temple, and to see all the historical sights.

I love this picture of Patrick. he looks so happy.

Here we are on top of the visitors center.

Patrick took an amzing shot of the temple!!!

Levi and his new partner in crime, Brody!

The mountains were really awesome here!

My cool pedicure!

Rachel, Levi, and Emilie just hanging out!

Enjoying the view our last night there!