Wednesday, April 22, 2009

28 weeks!

I am done with parent teacher conferences and am in for the final stretch! Life is getting so busy! We have a few baby things, but I am excited to find really good deals before I buy things. My belly has officially 'popped'. A lady checking me out at the grocery store actually asked if I was due any day. Ouch! I have only gained around 16 pounds, so I don't know why I look so big!

Patrick is still loving his job, and I am loving the fact that I am almost done with mine! We had my parents come down and see my house . It was really nice. They helped fix a few things, and I got to see them! I also got to spend time with my sister in law and her husband which was fun! I can't wait for the next time I get to go to Illinois to hang out with my family! I only have to wait until my sister gives birth!

1 comment:

Katie Sadler said...

This sister of yours sounds amazing. I bet her child will be a president of the united states or a prophet. I am sure he will be totally amazing!!