Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Poor Sick Baby

Levi was not feeling well this last week and I finally took him into the doctors on Monday because he was breathing funny. At the clinic, they gave him a breathing treatment, and because it didn't help as much as they thought it should, I am the new owner of a nebulizer and Levi gets breathing treatments every four hours. The poor little guy hates them though and cries bloody murder. Unless his dad is holding him, then he's great (just to make me look like a liar!) He is doing much better, although he is still wheezy. He is sleeping better though, which is great because I couldn't take much more of the up every hour of the night stuff.

The only down side is his medicine is a steroid, and he acts like a crack baby for a while after he takes it. He shakes, moves all over, looks all over, and generally uses more energy than he actually has so then he crashes and is a crank until I can get him to sleep.

1 comment:

Renae said...

Sorry about the wheezy baby. We've been thru that with a number of our kids when they were little. Be glad you own a neb--or you'd be visiting the dr. much more often.