Monday, March 8, 2010

The Joys of Home Ownership....

Here are the huge chucnks of ice laying in the snow after they shoveled them off the roof.
Here are the guys steaming the ice off and then shoveling it off the roof.
Our 6 inch thick layer of ice on the roof.
See the waterfalls running down the side of the house? That is Bad Bad Bad.

So during the week from Hades, the first major thing that went wrong was one of our brand new windows started leaking. We called the window people, and they thoughtfully sent someone to check it out 1 week later. Any ways, long story short, we had an ice damn that caused water on the roof to back into the house any way it could. Hence, water came in through where the window frame and the house. So we had to call a company to come and get rid of the ice damn. $400 later, and our roof is ice free. Now to find someone to make sure there is no wet insulation in our roof.

1 comment:

Renae said...

Big time bummer!