Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My baby is here!!!

Here is daddy and Levi hanging out together.

I have been really bad about blogging, but that is because I am getting used to having my little guy around! I probably should be sleeping right now, but I decided it was finally time to talk about Levi's arrival.

As you know, I was breech. I was scheduled to have an inversion, which means they were going to try to push the baby around the way it was supposed to be. I went in bright and early Monday morning for my inversion, and they did an ultra sound to make sure Levi really was still breech. He was, and the baby had one pocket of fluid. That's bad. The doctor told me we were going to have to do a C-section if we couldn't turn the baby around. I said, well, I guess we could schedule one for Friday, but the doctor said, No, I was thinking today. So we tried to turn Levi around, but he wasn't going anywhere. So I was scheduled for a C-Section and had one 2 hours later.

I am kind of glad it turned out that way because I had no time to be scared about having a C-Section. Instead I was calling Patrick to tell him to get to the hospital, I was making lists of things and people for him to call and cancel appointments for me, and I was busy getting ready for surgery. He later told me that when he called my mom, her first words when she heard about the baby were "Oh crap!" My mom is so funny.

I had my C-section, (thankfully Patrick gave me a blessing before it started) and everything turned out extremely well. Levi was stuck under my ribs, which caused the doctors to have to pull on him for a few minutes, but he came out nice and healthy. His legs were by his ears the whole time he was inside me, and when he came out his legs went straight up to his ears again. It was so funny.

The hospital stay was easy. The service and people were great! I had great nurses, and lots of visitors. My mom got there about 8:30 the night I had Levi. She brought my sister Katie and her husband Mike along. Mom said she could tell Patrick was in shock. He had 'wild eyes' as she put it.

So now Levi is 3 weeks old and we are on a pretty good schedule. He wakes up about 8:30. We eat and based on how tired mommy is, we either sleep or get up. Mommy usually gets a shower while Levi is sleeping, and gets dressed. She foes stuff until Levi wakes up, then Levi gets fed again, he gets a bath, and gets dressed. Then he usually goes to sleep. Then mommy does stuff around the house, like clean or do laundry. Then she feds Levi again and then eats herself. Then she spends the rest of the day cleaning or doing errands, with feeding Levi and playing with Levi mixed in. then daddy gets home around 5:30, and they all eat dinner, watch Tv or do more chores around the house, and go for a walk, then talk before mommy poops out around 9:30. Patrick takes Levi and has tummy time and plays with him until he gets hungry, then brings him in to me to get fed. Then we have night feedings and sometimes Levi stays up late to be michevious, but mommy and him hang out until he goes to sleep again.

Mommy is tired after staying up all night.

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