Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

I have been married to this awesome guy for two years now. I wanted to send flowers to work so other people would see how much someone loves him, but he vetoed flowers. Soooooo I found this cool place that sends fruit in a decorative way and sent that instead. Cool, eh?

Patrick was so surprised and really liked it!!Especially the sponge bob vase!! We had such a good time celebrating our anniversary. We got presents from the anniversary fairy ( I got a rice cooker. YAH!), we went disc golfing, we ate at our favorite restaurant Ruby Tuesdays, we played games at Dave and Busters, and then I gave Patrick a huge surprise - a massage!! By someone else who actually does a good job!!!

I spent the whole day thankful for my husband and trying to remember what life before him and Levi was like. I couldn't really remember, and I didn't really care. I'm pretty sure that's because my life is so much cooler now then it ever used to be. So yesterday was truly a celebration for me.


Katie Sadler said...

Life before Patrick and Levi involved spending more time with your super fab sister!
duh... How could you forget that!r

Katie Sadler said...

I agree that patrick and levi are awesome but you were with your other awesome family who love you alot!