Saturday, January 21, 2012

My Little Mess Maker

Levi is in a messy stage. Right now he loves to dump out his buckets of toys. He is also getting really good at conversations. He knows all of his letter ( most of the time) and some numbers. He can count to 9 like this 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9. Tricky 3! He used to skip 4 too, so we are making progress. He knows 1-6 in books, and we are learning how to read the words STOP, red, and green. He is starting to copy mommy and daddy A LOT and has ordered me into time out several times. I always gladly go to time out since it means isolation! :)

Patrick was on a Boy Scout camping trip so Levi and I were alone a lot this weekend. We are starting to play hide and seek games and have tickle wars, so it's been pretty fun!

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