Sunday, January 15, 2012


Today was one of those mornings that you think - really? Levi woke up screeching at5 A.M. His sippy cup leaked all over his bed and woke him up. It was close enough to the time he normally wakes up that hr just ended up squirming and playing until I finally drug myself out of bed to make him breakfast at 7. We get ready for church and wake his dad up at 7:45. I'm out the door by 8:20, and go to pick up our friends the Canfields.

I had sharing time at church which went alright. I had a make it work moment in senior sharing time. I had written messages on paper in invisible marker. The kind of maker you can only see when you color over it with a different color marker? It's kind of hard to tell that the marker is dried up when it's invisible to begin with, sooooooo...... the BIG reveal at the end was mostly a Big reveal of how my marker dried up.

After church was the linger longer which I forgot to bring any kind of food too, and then I drove the Canfield's home. The EPIC win of the day goes to Natalie Goodson, who asked me to come over and pick out toys I wanted from the ones her kids were sick of. Hence these awesome pictures of Levi playing with his new toys and having a great time digging his new toys out of the basket.

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